A dramatic ride home

Created by Jodie 3 years ago

One of my favourite memories of us was when i got away with bad driving because Brad creeped out a police officer...

After work i would often drop him home. One night i was driving (completely sober) and the police van followed us pretty much all the way to his house. 

The police pulled me over as my driving was so bad that they thought i was drink driving.

I got upset and scared and was crying as i didnt know what i did wrong.

However Brad broke the tension by rolling down his window and staring straight at the police officer. 

He didn't say anything and he didnt break eye contact, just gave a constant stare 😂

In the end the police officer didn't even give me a warning, they just let us drive on.

I'll always remember quirky little memories like that. Thankyou for helping me escape the police 😂

And if the police ever pull me over again for bad driving, I'll stare at them until they back down, just for you Brad.